Single Head CO2 Laser Cutting Machines

At Chirag International, we endeavor to give the perfect solutions for the cutting and engraving necessities of various industry verticals. Our single head laser cutting machines offer the most pragmatic and moderate solutions with the largest levels of precision and quality.
These machines can be used for cutting:
1. Acrylics
2. Leather

3. MDF
4. Fabrics
5. Plastics
6. Rubber
7. Plexi glass, etc.

Chirag International presents 5 models, namely Co2 Laser Cutting Machines of single head co2 laser cutting machines driven by laser technology. These machines are made of the best quality products and require low maintenance and handling costs. Hey can be used in diverse work areas for giving the most satisfactory results at all times.
CO2 Laser cutting and engraving machines by Chirag International offers a wide variety of cutting and engraving options on different types of materials like acrylic, leather, wood, fabric, plastic etc with high speed and accuracy.Cutting and engraving through laser is a non-contact process which results in the high-quality product with a freedom to create complex designs. Some of its well-known applications are in fabric industry, leather industry, shoe industry, acrylic cutting, Pen engraving industry etc.By the means of laser cutting machine, you can also engrave the same product at the same time with a little change in power setting. Chirag International, being one of the best laser cutting machine supplier/dealers can provide you with the most feasible solution according to your industry both in terms of machine price and quality.
With various options like working area, work table, power, laser heads etc we can easily customize your machine which suits best for your company.


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